10 of the Best Workouts for Weight Loss

If you’re reading this blog post right now, you probably need a heart-pumping, blood-pumping, balls-to-the-wall workout. And, buddy, we’ve got your back. But let’s be real here: Weight-loss workouts aren’t real. It’s not that they’re not useful.

Here's the thing: Adopting healthy eating habits has got to be step number one if you want to lose weight. Workouts alone aren’t good enough to make weight loss happen; there’s so much else that goes into weight loss and body fat loss. The technical term for weight loss is calorie deficit—which means you have to burn more calories than you consume in a day. The consumption part matters a great deal more than your work out, or carrying your groceries home, or any of your other daily endeavors. The other lifestyle habits, such as sleep and stress management, as well as health conditions (like thyroid issues) also contribute to weight loss. Weight loss is a complicated and individual journey that does not look or function the same way from one person to the next.

We’d be remiss not to point out another really important thing here: Weight loss isn’t for everyone. Some are healthier just ignoring their weight altogether, or never counting calories. This is especially true if you’ve had an eating disorder in the past; you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss program.

You should also know a few more things about workouts and weight loss.

Here’s what you need to know before you start an exercise regimen for weight loss.

1. Your food choices—how you fuel yourself—are more important than your exercise routine. I said this above, but it’s worth repeating.

2. Exercise should be a significant part of your routine. If you want to see results, 30 minutes on the elliptical while you watch the Kardashians once a week won’t cut it. If you’re just starting out, plan on three workouts a week; if you’ve followed a routine for some time, plan on five or six sessions a week, advises Nike master trainer Holly Rilinger, author of Work Out NY. “Remember to get some sleep so you can recover mental, physical, and emotional strength."

3. You need to push yourself to the limit in every workout. “Twice a week is better than five days,” he said. “Always give your all the time, and ask yourself “Can I give more?” the moment you walk through that door.”

4. Finding a workout you enjoy is really important to losing weight, says Rilinger. If you feel good while working out you’re more likely to stick with it. Here are 10 workouts that will help you lose weight. If you’ve tried one class and didn’t really enjoy it, don’t quit. You probably haven’t found an instructor you love yet.

Having set the expectations, let’s get to the workouts.

If you eat well and sleep enough, there are certain exercises and workouts you can do to lose weight or burn fat or change your body composition. These are workouts that have a few elements in common: They generally are high-intensity and they burn a lot of calories. Here are the types of workouts trainers recommend to get the most out of your gym time (or park or living room).

1. Training Intervals

Interval training is the number one training method for weight loss, experts say. It involves going hard for a set period of time, resting, then going hard again. The active recovery phase is crucial. You need to slow it down a bit, OK, several notches, before ramping it up.

Indoor cycling is another popular option, though it’s more about cardio than strength, Rilinger explains. She explains that cycling requires you to use various muscles to lose weight—quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core—which translates into weight loss once again. “The more muscles you can incorporate, the more calories you’re gonna burn,” she says. “The more energy you use, the more calories you burn. It’s all a cycle."

2. Training that involves weight training

According to Rilinger, resistance training is “the mother of all weight-loss techniques, the top of the totem pole,” because it promotes muscle development and fat burning. Weightlifting has been shown to increase your resting metabolic rate, meaning you burn more calories even when you’re not working out. Building muscle does not have a huge effect on weight loss, but more muscle means you’ll burn more calories throughout the day, and then you’ll be able to increase your weight before your next workout. Plus, the “afterburn effect” occurs when you put down the weights but still burn energy.

Rilinger suggests incorporating weight training into your routine three times a week. Since your body adjusts to the same exercises after a while, it becomes less effective over time, so she says to change it up every three weeks to keep things fresh.

3. Boot Camp and Personal Development

Boot camp combines two of the most effective training styles: interval and resistance. “You will work hard for short periods of time, then rest in between sets of exercises,” recommends Adam Rosante, certified personal trainer and the author of The 30-Second Body. But if this is your first time participating in a boot camp class, speak up. He says a good coach will help you work out at your own pace, keep your form at par, and determine if any move might be too difficult or irritate an injury.

4. Boxing

Boxing is primarily interval training, according to Rosante. But it also makes you feel badass.” Here’s the trick beginners don’t know: You can’t punch using only arm strength; most of your power comes from your core, which you won’t use in other workouts (hey, obliques).

Here’s 18 boxing gyms to visit if you’re going to learn proper form. Try this beginners’ video by Prevail boxing gym founder Milan Costich.

5. Running

You can wear sneakers and go running, but if you want to lose weight, that’s not the way to go. Running up a hill will make your glutes and legs work harder, Rosante explains. “This leads to smaller muscle recruitment and more effective burning of calories,” she says. As she explains earlier, the more energy you burn, the brighter the flame. But form is key here. “Lean into the hill and drive your knees high,” he says. “Keep your hands open and bent at 90 degrees, then drive your arms up to face level and backward to the top of your back pocket.” And don’t cross your arms over your body—not enough energy will be used.”

6. CrossFit

CrossFit is a huge part of the fitness industry for a reason--it works, so long as you don’t overdo it. Routines are varied and intense, you may do kettlebell swings, box jumps, and front squats. The most important thing to look for in a CrossFit gym is a knowledgeable coach who can explain and modify the moves, and keep you safe.

7. Tabata

Tabata works you out in no time. It involves high-intensity interval training, and is four minutes long. It’s made up of 20 seconds of all-out effort, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated eight times. Squires warns not to make this interval a habit, if you’re trying to lose weight. “Your body will quickly adapt the interval and you’ll need to add more volume or intensity to keep it working,” he says. To do this, Rosante suggests extending your workout to 20 minutes and following the same format. Choose four exercises—say jump rope, squat, mountain climber, then squat jumps—try each for 20 seconds while maintaining proper form, then rest for 10 seconds. Rest for a minute, then go to the next one.

8. Yoga

Yoga is not a great workout for weight loss, but Rilinger says it’s a great supplement to more intense workouts. There are many yoga flows you can do at home, too. Try to get it in once a week.

9. Swimming

If you’re not a fan of running, or just don’t want your joints to take a beating, take a swim. It’s a low-impact workout that works all of your major muscle groups. Try this one from Rosante: Stand upright in the deep end while using your arms and legs to stay afloat for as long as you can. Next, rest for two minutes. Next, swim 10 sets of 100 meters (that’s one lap in an Olympic-size pool), and rest one minute between sets.

10. Jumping Rope

It’s time to get back to what you learned in P.E. class. This tool’s cheap, portable (it fits in the tiny parts of your suitcase! ), and you can use it just about anywhere!

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