Beginner Cardio Workout Plan For Weight Loss At Home

Beginner Cardio Workout Plan

Cardio is one of the best workouts for burning fat, and it’s pretty easy to incorporate into your daily routine. I’ve been doing a lot of cardio at home and wouldn’t have it any other way because it is so easy.

I already said it, but hats off to those who go the gym to workout. If I had to drive 30 minutes to a gym to work out, that would be a hard hurdle for me to overcome. My schedule already works like juggling a delicate puzzle most days.

If that describes you, cardio workouts at home will improve your health and burn fat.

Beginner Cardio Workout Plan

How can you get fit at home by doing cardio exercises?

Cardio is often associated with equipment like a treadmill exercise or elliptical, but you don’t have to stick to that if you don’t have one or get bored of it. You can carry out cardio workouts at home and you can even do them without specific equipment! I will show you how to complete your cardio workout at home without special equipment and you might even enjoy the process! If you haven’t done cardio in a while, you’ll have a burst of energy or a happy attitude from the rush of endorphins. When I worked out many years ago, I felt totally drained. I would feel like I needed a nap after my workout. 

Later, I realized it was because I wasn’t eating well. If you don’t get the rush of energy after working out, take a look at healthier nutrition and tracking macros for weight loss. If you’re looking for home equipment, you might be interested in an elliptical (affiliate link). I still have one in my workout room.


1) Start by warming up: In order to achieve this goal, you will need to do 1 minute of continuous running and then 1 minute of jumping jacks.

2) Knee strength exercises: Standing wide, extending your arms over your head and then lift your left knee up while bringing your arms down over your knee, repeat for 15 reps. Do the right knee for 15 reps.

3) Squat and punch: Start out with some side to side punches, then do some sumo squats with front punches. Sumo squats are wide squats paired with front punches. Boom, boom. 15 reps.

4) Jump rope for exercise: You can just pretend you have a jump rope and do 30 of these.

5) Plank, please: Planks are a great addition to your cardio workout since it gives you a breather and it works almost every muscle in your body!

6) Repeat this for a couple of times.

After your workout, make sure to stretch for at least 5 minutes and cool down. Many injuries happen because someone doesn’t stretch or cool down after a workout.

First, get your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes. I wasn’t educated on what to do when I first began losing weight. I actually started by playing Wii games with my daughter.

Also, remember to stretch and drink plenty of water.


Cardio burns most calories when done at a high intensity for a sustained period of time. You should vary your cardio routine from day to day to vary the intensity and duration of your cardio so that the body has time to adapt and use the least amount of energy necessary.
That being said, the cardio you do will often be the best.

Try them all until you find something you enjoy and look forward to. My current favorite cardio workout is on the Peloton bike. I wrote an entire post about the package and how it has helped increase my fitness level. It has helped me tackle some of my harder areas to tone and burn fat.


The National Health Institute recommends medium-intensity cardio three times a week, but you can boost efficiency by switching among high- and low-intensity sessions.

In general, you’ll get fitter if you plan your cardio workouts for the week.

Can I do cardio everyday?

For most people, it’s a good idea to do a little cardio every day. Numerous experts, including those at Mayo Clinic, recommend this. Aim for around 30 minutes each day to keep your body in shape.

Fitness is a mix of cardio and strength training. Toned muscles are the foundation for a higher metabolism and often overlooked by women trying to lose weight.

Make your workouts fun and you’ll be more motivated to do them. Turn on some of your favorite music and rock out. Workout while you watch some of your favorite TV shows, or incorporate your workouts into your daily chores!

If you need some additional guidance, coaching, and accountability for weight loss, join my next It’s My Time Now Health Transformation exclusively for women over 40. Learn all the details and upcoming dates here.

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