10 Minute HIIT Workout to Burn Fat


If you do not have a lot of time, you can still fit a workout in with this HIIT workout of ten minutes!

I personally like this 10 minute fat burn HIIT workout because it works every inch of your body. It leaves you feeling pumped up and energized, no matter your level of fitness. Plus, the circuit only takes ten minutes...so no excuses about running out of time!

I recommend repeating the circuit three times, but if you are a beginner - you may just want to start out with one. Trust me, you will still feel the burn.

Let’s start with the basics...

What Does HIIT Mean?

First of all, High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is a combination of high intensity exercises followed by periods of rest.

HIIT is perfect for people who are always pressed for time, and for many other reasons as well:

You burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time

If you compared HIIT with other workouts, like jogging for example, you would burn more calories while doing HIIT.

After you workout, you’re still burning calories.

One reason why people like HIIT training is that you keep burning calories after you’re done.

This is because your body needs more oxygen after a workout to repair muscles that were damaged during your workout. This keeps your body burning calories even after you’ve stopped training.

Makes you lose fat

Studies have proven HIIT training gets you ripped. In fact, your body keeps tapping into that fat even after you’re done.

It Lowers Blood Pressure & Heart Rate

HIIT doesn’t just help you lose weight - it helps your overall health too. It has been proven to reduce blood pressure and heart rate in overweight and obese people. This study even found that HIIT training can reduce blood pressure more than moderate-intensity training.

You’ll Need:

Towel or mat to lay on the floor
Chair or bench

How Does It Work?

It’s really simple, you just do them in order for 45 seconds each and wait 15 seconds between them. Once you’re done with all 10 exercises, that’s one circuit. You can do up to 3 circuits, depending on your fitness level.

Warm up before you workout!

HIIT Fat Burner:

1. Jump Jacks (45 Seconds)

15 seconds rest.

2. Squats (45 Seconds)

15 seconds rest.

3. Push-Ups (45 Seconds)

15 seconds rest.

4. Wall Sit (45 Seconds)

15 seconds rest.

5. Triceps Dips (45 Seconds)

15 seconds rest.

6. Lunges (45 Seconds)

15 seconds rest.

7. Plank (45 Seconds)

15 seconds rest.

8. Chair Step-Ups (45 Seconds)

15 seconds rest.

9. Crunches (45 Seconds)

15 seconds rest.

10. Mountain Climbers (45 Seconds)

15 seconds rest.

Do this once, do it three times, do it at the gym, do it at home – it’s super flexible and that’s what we love about it so much!

However, don’t just look to this 10 minute HIIT workout to make you lose weight. There’s so much more to weight loss than just that one workout.

In order to lose weight successfully, you need to have a plan. Like our own 20 POUNDS LIGHTER IN 3 WEEKS plan.

Unlike most weight loss plans that require hours of workouts and slow results, the 20 POUNDS LIGHTER IN 3 WEEKS challenge provides simple instructions on what to eat, when to eat it, how to stay active, etc.

The result? You’ll drop 20 pounds in 3 weeks.

And there’s no gym to go to! That’s right, you just walk.

This challenge is based on science, which says 80% of weight loss is nutrition, while 20% is exercise. That means it doesn’t make sense to buy expensive workout programs when you just need to balance your diet. We can help you do that.

You can get your money back if you don’t succeed at losing weight.

The only thing you have to lose is weight!

On the other hand, if you are really serious about losing weight – I highly recommend you check it out. So many people have lost weight with the program, and you can too.
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